Research MigrationAgriculture & BirdsAvian Ecology & BehaviorPopulation DeclinesBlack-crowned Night-heron Urban Ecology, Behavior, and Conservation Migration: Bird migration is a topic of past, current and future research for our lab centered not only on the Gulf of Mexico but also patterns of migration across agricultural Illinois. Agriculture & Birds: The impact of agriculture on ecosystems utilized by birds in Illinois is significant. The lab engages in research monitoring and evaluating programs like CRP - SAFE, SCARC, and CRP - Pollinator Habitat Initiative that promote agricultural and bird conservation goals. Avian Ecology & Behavior: Our lab has a long term focus on factors contributing to the reproductive success of birds that has take the form of years of data collection on incubation, nestling behavior, and fledgling behavior at Kennekuk County Park. Population Declines: The Ward Lab monitors populations of sensitive bird species and researches factors that are contributing to bird decline. There is also a focus on research-based strategies (ie. conspecific attraction) to help species recover. Black-crowned Night-heron Urban Ecology, Behavior, & Conservation. We are focusing on conspecific attraction and its role in conservation of this state endangered species.